
With public schools near this home, your kids can thrive in the neighbourhood.

Nearby Schools
Cherryville Elementary

Grades K to 6

108 N Fork Rd

Cherryville Elementary

Grades K to 6

108 N Fork Rd

7.11 KM

Grade LevelKindergarten and Elementary
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report
Charles Bloom Secondary

Grades 7 to 12

1894 Glencaird St

Charles Bloom Secondary

Grades 7 to 12

1894 Glencaird St

27.98 KM

Grade LevelMiddle and High
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report
Look Deeper
J.W. Inglis Elementary

Grades K to 6

2287 Shuswap Ave

J.W. Inglis Elementary

Grades K to 6

2287 Shuswap Ave

28.06 KM

Grade LevelKindergarten and Elementary
Go to the school's website Read more in our detailed report


With safety facilities in the area, help is always close by. Facilities near this home include a police station within 28.1km.

Police Station
2208 Shuswap Ave
Police Station
Distance28.1 KM
Address2208 Shuswap Ave
Go to the police department's website Read more in our detailed report